Traceability is the ability to track a product from the point of sale back to its point of origin, detailing all movements in between. It is vital for food safety, to prove legality, and to verify sustainability. Unmatched in the industry, Wixter traces every single piece of our seafood to the source.

New Zealand’s beautiful, isolated islands are surrounded by some of the most pristine waters and abundant seafood in the world. As a nation we prize what we have here and are passionate about managing it sustainably for generations to come.
Sanford’s vision is to be the best seafood company in the world. We are proud of our 100+ years of seafood history, passionate about our industry, and excited about our future.
PRODUCER - talleys
Orange Roughy is the cornerstone of the New Zealand fishing industry. The deep-water species are caught mainly in the Chatham Rise, the southern part of the West Coast, and in various parts of the Challenger Plateau.
Backed with the Marine Stewardship Council eco-label ensures thatTalleys Orange Roughy stocks are healthy, the ecosystem is carefully tended, and there is ongoing effective fishery management.
PRODUCER - Sealord
Wild caught Orange Roughy are caught all year round in New Zealand, with peak season from June to August. Sealord's orange Roughy are from a suitable and well managed fishery.
The Quota Management System (QMS) has been operating in New Zealand for over thirty years, solidifying the region's reputation as a world leader in sustainable fisheries management.
At Sealord, nothing is wasted. Their fishmeal plant processes discarded elements to create fish oil and fishmeal for products like animal feed and liquid fertilizer.
We want you to feel good about your purchase. Every Wixter Seafood product is carefully vetted by our team of experts to ensure all of our products meet these stringent standards: